Bilde av Bergland, Harald
Bilde av Bergland, Harald
Gávpeallaskuvla UiT Hárstták +4777058228

Harald Bergland

  • Harald Bergland, Evgenii Burlakov, John Andreas Wyller :
    The Dynamics of Pasture–Herbivores–Carnivores with Sigmoidal Density Dependent Harvesting
    Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Harald Bergland, Purnedu Mishra, Pål Andreas Pedersen, Arkadi Ponossov, John Andreas Wyller :
    Time delays and pollution in an open-access fishery
    Natural Resource Modeling 2022 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Harald Bergland, Evgenii Burlakov, Pål Andreas Pedersen, John Andreas Wyller :
    Aquaculture, pollution and fishery - dynamics of marine industrial interactions
    Ecological Complexity : An International Journal on Biocomplexity in the Environment and Theoretical Ecology 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Harald Bergland, Pål Andreas Pedersen :
    Trafikksikkerhet og regulering av godstransport på veg
    Fagbokforlaget 2020
  • Harald Bergland, John Andreas Wyller, Evgenii Burlakov :
    Pasture-livestock dynamics with density-dependent harvest and changing environment
    Natural Resource Modeling 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Harald Bergland, Pål Andreas Pedersen, John Andreas Wyller :
    Accumulated marine pollution and fishery dynamics
    Ecological Complexity : An International Journal on Biocomplexity in the Environment and Theoretical Ecology 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Harald Bergland, Pål Andreas Pedersen :
    Efficiency and traffic safety with pay for performance in road transportation
    Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Harald Bergland, Pål Andreas Pedersen, John Andreas Wyller :
    Stable and unstable equilibrium states in a fishery-aquaculture model
    Natural Resource Modeling 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Harald Bergland, Pål Andreas Pedersen :
    The design and implementation of driving time regulation
    European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 21. Sep 2018 FULLTEKST / ARKIV
  • Harald Bergland :
    Gyldendal Akademisk 2014
  • Harald Bergland, Pål Andreas Pedersen :
    Risk attitudes and individual transferable quotas
    Marine Resource Economics 2006
  • Pål Andreas Pedersen, Derek J. Clark, Harald Bergland :
    History-dependent quantity regulation
    Journal of Economics 2004
  • Harald Bergland, Derek John Clark, Pål Andreas Pedersen :
    Rent-seeking and quota regulation of a renewable resource
    Resource and Energy Economics 2002 DOI
  • Harald Bergland, Derek J. Clark, Pål Pedersen :
    Rent Seeking and the Regulation of a Natural Resource
    Marine Resource Economics 2001
  • Harald Bergland, Pål Andreas Pedersen :
    Faktorinnsatsen i fiske under ulike kvoteregimer
    Norsk Økonomisk Tidsskrift 2000
  • Harald Bergland, Pål Andreas Pedersen :
    Catch Regulation and Accident Risk: The Moral Hazard of Fisheries’ Management
    Marine Resource Economics 1997
  • Harald Bergland :
    Lott eller hyre? Om fordelingskontrakter i fiske.
    Norsk økonomisk tidsskrift 1990
  • Harald Bergland :
    Hva er samfunnsøkonomi?
    Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2016
  • Kristin Magnussen, Henrik Lindhjem, Claire W. Armstrong, Harald Bergland, Eirik Inge Mikkelsen, Rasmus Reinvang et al.:
    Økosystemtjenester i Barentshavet-Lofoten: Samfunnsmessige verdier og avveininger
  • Harald Bergland, Pål Andreas Pedersen, Pål Andreas Pedersen :
    Different attitudes towards risk and individual traserable qoutas
  • Harald Bergland, Derek J. Clark, Pål Pedersen :
    Rent-seeking and quota regulation of a renewable ressource
  • Pål Andreas Pedersen, Harald Bergland :
    Resultatavlønning : en drøfting av ulike lønnssystem med eksempler fra fiske
    ? 1999
  • Harald Bergland :
    Sharing the catch. Five essays on pay determination and regulation in Norwegian fishing industry.

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →