Kieran Sweeney,
Kristine Bissenbakker,
Volkert Siersma,
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson,
Eddie Donaghy,
David Henderson
et al.:
The Multimorbidity Questionnaire (MMQ1): English translation and validation of a Danish patient reported outcome measure for quality of life in people with multiple long-term conditions in a cross-sectional survey
Quality of Life Research 2025
Christina Sadolin Damhus,
Mette Bech Risør,
John Brodersen,
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson
Reply: How do we avoid polarization of interdisciplinary research on cancer diagnosis?
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson
Medicalization of Old Age: Experiencing Healthism and Overdiagnosis in a Nordic Welfare State
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson,
John Brodersen,
Susanne Reventlow,
Christina Svanholm,
Anne Møller,
Marius Brostrøm Kousgaard
General practitioners’ experiences of providing somatic care for patients with severe mental illness: a qualitative study
Christina Sadolin Damhus,
Mette Bech Risør,
John Brodersen,
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson
Rethinking the logic of early diagnosis in cancer
Katrine Tranberg,
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson,
Tina Due,
Volkert Siersma,
John Brodersen,
Kristine Bissenbakker
et al.:
The SOFIA pilot study: assessing feasibility and fidelity of coordinated care to reduce excess mortality and increase quality of life in patients with severe mental illness in a general practice setting; a cluster-randomised pilot trial
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson,
John Brodersen
Klimaaftryk af overdiagnostik
Ugeskrift for Læger 2023
Katrine Tranberg,
Tina Drud Due,
Maarten Rozing,
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson,
Marius Brostrøm Kousgaard,
Anne Møller
Challenges in reaching patients with severe mental illness for trials in general practice—a convergent mixed methods study based on the SOFIA pilot trial
Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2023
Emma Grundtvig Gram,
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson,
John Brodersen,
Christina Sadolin Damhus
Questioning ‘Informed Choice’ in Medical Screening: The Role of Neoliberal Rhetoric, Culture, and Social Context
Emma G. Gram,
Sigrid W. Knudsen,
John Brodersen,
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson
Women's experiences of age-related discontinuation from mammography screening: A qualitative interview study
Emma Grundtvig Gram,
John Brodersen,
Cæcilie Hansen,
Kristen Pickles,
Jenna Smith,
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson
Fictitious cases as a methodology to discuss sensitive health topics in focus groups
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being 2023
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson,
F.H.J. Martiny,
M.K. Søndergaard,
John Brodersen,
T.D. Due,
M.H. Nielsen
et al.:
Introducing extended consultations for patients with severe mental illness in general practice: Results from the SOFIA feasibility study
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson,
Benedicte Møller Christensen,
John Brodersen
Informationens ironi: Patienters frie adgang til sundhedsdata
Tidsskrift for forskning i sygdom og samfund 2022
Kevin Doherty,
Per Bækgaard,
Maria Haahr Nielsen,
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson,
Susanne Rewentlow,
Jacob E. Bardram
Unboxing the Clinical Health Technology Deployment
IEEE pervasive computing 2022
Anne Mia Steno,
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson
Spaces out of reach? Service user involvement in residents’ meetings at recovery-oriented social housing facilities for young people with mental health disorders
Kristine Bissenbakker,
Anne Møller,
John Brodersen,
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson
Conceptualisation of a measurement framework for Needs-based Quality of Life among patients with multimorbidity
Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes 2022
Camilla Hoffman Merrild,
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson,
Sanne Rasmussen,
Amanda Sandbæk
Social ulighed i sundhed
Ugeskrift for Læger 2022
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson,
Iben Emilie Christensen,
Susanne Reventlow,
Mette Bech Risør
Responsibilities of Risk: Living With Mental Illness During COVID-19
Medical Anthropology 10. Mar 2022