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Disputas Siri Sollied Madsen til ph.d.-graden

For ph.d. –graden vil doktoranden offentlig forsvare avhandlingen: "Om idealer og realiteter i lærerutdanningers bruk av digital teknologi. En komparativ studie av lærerutdanninger i Norge og New Zealand."

Populærvitenskapelig sammendrag:

Government surveys show that there is still a significant gap between the aim of educational policies and what is actually practised in Norwegian teaching. This gap has often been attributed to deficiencies in practitioners’ skills. This thesis aims to broaden the understanding of the established gap between policies regarding the use of digital technology and the actual use of digital technology in Norway. To understand this gap a comparative study between teacher education in Norway and teacher education in New Zealand is conducted, with both qualitative and quantitative methods applied. The regression analysis and the correlation analysis show that the professional use of digital tools correlates with the teacher educators’ level of digital competence in New Zealand. On the other hand, in Norway the professional use of digital tools correlates stronger with teacher educators’ attitudes towards digital technology in education. These findings were further investigated through in-depth interviews of Norwegian and New Zealand teacher educators. Based on both quantitative and qualitative findings, I discuss how such differences may be connected to policy development and political influence. This thesis contributes to a broader understanding of the complex factors creating the gap between policy and practice, and understanding the bigger picture is essential to working constructively towards bringing policy intentions and practice closer together in the future.


Avhandlingen vil bli gjort tilgjengelig her (Munin)

Prøveforelesning avholdes på samme sted og dag kl 10:15


Førsteamanuensis ph.d. Øystein Lund, UiT 
Professor dr.scient. Steinar Thorvaldsen, UiT


Første opponent: professor ph.d. Helle Mathiasen, Københavns Universitet
Andre opponent: førsteamanuensis ph.d. Fredrik Mørk Røkenes, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Leder av komiteen: professor cand.paad. Gunnar Grepperud, Universitetsbiblioteket, Ressurssenter for undervisning, læring og teknologi (Result), UiT

Disputasen ledes av instituttleder Odd Arne Thunberg, Institutt for lærerutdanning og pedagogikk/HSL-fak

When: 02.05.19 kl 12.15–15.30
Where: Qvigstad audiotorium, Campus Mellomveien 110
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Ansatte, Studenter, Besøkende, Inviterte
Contact: Silje Sivertsvik
E-boastta: silje.sivertsvik@uit.no
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