Environmental Philosophy Network



  1. Voget-Kleschin, L., Baatz, C., Heyward, C., van Vuuren D, Mengis N. (2024) Reassessing the Needs for Carbon Dioxide Removal: Moral Implications of Alternative Climate Target Pathways. Global Sustainability 7(1):1-11.   https://doi.org/10.1017/sus.2023.21 
  2. Heyward, C., and Lenzi, D. “Improving Arguments for Local Carbon Rights: The Case of Forest-Based Sequestration”, Journal of Applied Philosophy 40(4):593-607. https://doi.org/10.1111/japp.12628
  3. Lenzi, D., Jakob, M., Honegger, M., Droege, S., Heyward, Clare, Kruger, T. (2021). Equity implications of net zero visions. Climatic Change. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-021-03270-2
  4. Heyward, C., and Lenzi, D. (2021). “Special Claims from Improvement: A Comment on Armstrong”. Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 13(1): 17-32. https://doi.org/10.21248/gjn.13.01.247
  5. Heyward, C. (2021). Is the Beneficiary Pays Principle Essential in Climate Justice? Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift, 56(2-3):125-136.  https://doi.org/10.21248/gjn.13.01.243 
  6. McGee, J., Brent, K., McDonald, J. Heyward, C. (2021). International Governance of Solar Radiation Management: Does the ENMOD Treaty Deserve a Closer Look?. Carbon and Climate Law Review, 14(4), pp. 294-305. https://doi.org/10.21248/gjn.13.01.243 
  7. Heyward, C. (2021). Territory, Self-Determination and Climate Change: Reflections on Anna Stilz’s Territorial Sovereignty: A Philosophical Exploration. Journal of Social Philosophy, 52(1), pp. 24-30. https://doi.org/10.1111/josp.12378 
  8. Morten Fibieger Byskov, Keith Hyams, Poshendra Satyal, Isabelle Anguelovski, Lisa Benjamin, Sophie Blackburn, Maud Borie, Simon Caney, Eric Chu, Gareth Edwards, Kristel Fourie, Arabella Fraser, Clare Heyward, Helen Jeans, Colin McQuistan, Jouni Paavola, Ed Page, Mark Pelling, Sally Priest, Krystyna Swiderska, Marcela Tarazona, Thomas Thornton, John Twigg & Alice Venn. (2019). An agenda for ethics and justice in adaptation to climate change. Climate and Development, 13 (1), 1-9. DOI: 10.1080/17565529.2019.1700774
  9. Paaske, D. M., & Mainz, J. T. (2023). If you polluted, you’re included: the all-affected principle and carbon tax referenda. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 1-18.
  10. Paaske, D. M. (2021). Impact of climate change, intergenerational justice, and human rights on SDGs. In Reduced Inequalities (pp. 473-481). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  11. Paaske, D. M. (2021). Impact of Climate Justice and Climate Change Cost Distribution on SDGs. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, 391-399.
  12. Paaske, D. M., Segura-Bonilla, O., & Hernandez-Milian, J. (2021). ESD for managers in the Danish lower secondary educational curriculum. Journal of Work-Applied Management, 13(1), 154-166.
  13. Lie, S. A.N., Forthcomming: 'Limits in Nature: A Philosophical Exploration' (workingtitle). Routledge 2025. 
  14. Lie, S. A.N., 'A Critique of Steven Vogel’s Social Constructionist Attempt to Overcome the Human/Nature Dichotomy' Environmental value 30(5) 10.3197/096327121X16081160834759 2021
  15. Lie, S. A.N.,  'Sigurd Hverven, Naturfilosofi'. Agora : Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon. Volum 36.(2-3) s. 355-363. 2018
  16.  Lie, S. A. N & Fern Wickson 'Tran-ecology and Post-sustainability? The Forgotten Ecology of
    Bioenhancement'.  In Bess M. and Pasulka D (eds). Human, Transhuman, Posthuman: Emerging Technologies and the Boundaries of Homo Sapiens, Gale Cengage Learning. 2018.
  17. Lie, S. A., 'Humanvitenskapens Naturfientlighet'. Bøygen, 3 2017.
  18. Lie, S. A., 'Book review: Hardequin and Havlik (eds.) “Restoring Layered Landscapes. History Ecology and Culture. White Horse Press'. In Environmental Values. 2017.
  19. Lie, S. A., (2016). 'Philosophy of Nature: Rethinking Naturalness'. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315761695
  20. Lie, S. A., ‘Arne Næss’ in Ethics, Science, Technology, and Engineering: A Global Resource. Ed. J. Britt Holbrook. 2nd ed. Vol. 3. Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference USA. Gale Virtual Reference Library. 2015.
  21. Lie, S. A.N., 'Causation in Evidence-Based Medicine: In reply to Strand and Parkkinen. Journal of
    Evaluation'. With Kerry R, Eriksen TE, Mumford S, Anjum RL. In Journal of Clinical Practice. 2014
  22. Lie, S. A.N.,  'At the Borders of Medical Reasoning: Aetological and Ontological Challenges of Medically Unexplained Symptoms', with Roger Kerry, Thor Eirik Eiriksen, Stephen Mumford and Rani Lill Anjum. In Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities in Medicine 8:11 2013.
  23. Lie, S. A.N.,  'Dispositions and Ethics', with Stephen Mumford and Rani Lill Anjum. In Powers and Capacities in Philosophy: The New Aristotelianism. Ruth Groff and John Greco (eds.), New York and London: Routledge, (2013).
  24. Lie, S. A.N., 'Causation and evidence-based practice: An ontological review. with Roger Kerry, Thor Eirik Eiriksen, Stephen Mumford and Rani Lill Anjum. In Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 18(5):1006-12 2012 
  25. Lie, S. A.N. & Fern Wickson,'The Relational Ontology of Deep Ecology: A Dispotional Alternative to Intrinsic Value?', with Fern Wickson in Ane F. Aarø and Johannes Servan (eds), Environment, Embodiment and History, Hermes Tekst 2011.
  26. Lie, S. A.N.,'Naturalness Reconsidered; Ontology, Dispositions and
    Ethics'. PHD-Thesis. UiT. 2009
  27. Lie, S. A.N.,'Having an Ethical Discussion About the Objects of Natural Science:
    The Is and Ought Distinction'. ASFPG-Jarbuch. Hamburg. Der Andere Verlag. 2008
  28. Lie, S. A.N.,'Potensialitet i naturen'. Enhet i mangfold. Festskrift for Johan Arnt
    Myrstad i anledning 60-årsdagen. Unipub forlag. 2008
  29. Lie, S. A.N.,'Passive Nature and Safe Food?' Ethics and The Politics of Food.
    Wageningen Academic Publishers. 2006
  30. Lundestad, Erik; Antonsen, Trine. (2019). Teknologi, natur og litteratur: Deiktisk diskurs hos Vetlesen og Borgmann. Norsk Filosofisk tidsskrift, Volum 54 (3), pp. 115 - 130. ISSN 0029-1943. DOI: 10.18261/issn.1504-2901-2019-03-02.

    Antonsen, Trine; Lundestad, Erik. (2019). Borgmann and the Non-Neutrality of Technology. Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology, Volum 23 (1), pp. 83 - 103. ISSN 1091-8264. DOI: 10.5840/techne201951497.

    Antonsen, Trine; Lundestad, Erik; Wickson, Fern. (2019). The rewriting of human/nature relations through genome editing. Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 101 - 106. ISBN 978-90-8686-341-9. DOI: 10.3920/978-90-8686-892-6_13.


Environmental Philosophy Network

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