Benedikte Kjetland Skarsgaard,
Therese Harvold Henriksen,
Unn Dahlberg,
Tone Shetelig Løvvik,
Ingvild Aune
Home-based postnatal care following early hospital discharge: a descriptive study of the Midwife Home care programme
Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare 2024
Caroline Norheim Rosten,
Siri Dammen,
Ingvild Aune
Helsepersonells prevensjonsveiledning – en kvalitativ studie av unge kvinners erfaringer med prevesjonsveiledning og valg av prevensjonsmiddel
Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning 2023
Meltem Ozkaya,
Oznur Korukcu,
Ingvild Aune
Transition to Motherhood of Puerperal Women With Preterm Birth in a Challenging Lifetime: Transition Theory-Based Study
Research and Theory for Nursing Practice 2023
Tove Kristin Greaker,
Ingvild Aune,
Solveig Kirsti Grudt
Ethical challenges and reflection. Norwegian bachelor students’ experiences during clinical placement in Sub-Saharan Africa
International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences 2023
Tove Kristin Greaker,
Solveig Kirsti Grudt,
Ingvild Aune
Norwegian nursing students' experience during clinical placement in an African country: Communication, relationship building and nursing identity. A qualitative study
Iben Akselbo,
Ingvild Aune
How to Use Simulation as a Learning Method
in Bachelor and Postgraduate/Master Education of Nurses
and Teachers in Healthcare
Ingegerd Hildingsson,
Ingvild Aune
Continuity of care
Studentlitteratur AB 2022
Helga Gottfredsdottir,
Christina Prinds,
Anita Wikberg,
Ingvild Aune
Midwifery education in the Nordic context
Studentlitteratur AB 2022
Ingvild Aune,
Hanne Engh,
Oda Tingvold Skibenes
Gravide kvinners ønske om privat ultralydundersøkelse i første
Gørill Haugan,
Ayşe Deliktaz Demirci,
Kamile Kabukcuoglu,
Ingvild Aune
Self-transcendence among adults 65 years and older: A meta-analysis
Oznur Korucku,
Kamile Kukulu,
Ingvild Aune,
Gørill Haugan
Development and psychometric testing of the ‘Mindful Breastfeeding Scale’ (MINDF-BFS) among postpartum women in Turkey
Current Psychology 2021
Ayse Demirci,
Kamile Kukulu,
Gorill Haugan,
Ingvild Aune
Turkish midwives’ experiences and opinions in promoting normal births: A grounded theory study
Ingvild Aune,
Heidi Voldhagen,
Ina Welve,
Unn Dahlberg
Early discharge from hospital after birth: How Norwegian parents experience postnatal home visits by midwives – A qualitative study
Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare 23. Oct 2021
Meltem Ozkaya,
Oznur Korukcu,
Ingvild Aune
Breastfeeding attitudes of refugee women from Syria and influencing factors: a study based on the transition theory
Perspectives in Public Health 2020
Ingvild Aune,
Trude Tysland,
Sigrid Amalie Vollheim
Norwegian midwives’ experiences of relational continuity of midwifery care in the primary healthcare service: A qualitative descriptive study
Nordic journal of nursing research 2020
Tuva Falch Skrondal,
Trine Bache-Gabrielsen,
Ingvild Aune
All that I need exists within me: A qualitative study of nulliparous Norwegian women’s experiences with planned home birth
Marit Lindset,
Ingvild Aune
Simulering som pedagogisk metode i lærerutdanning
Skandinavisk tidsskrift for yrker og profesjoner i utvikling 2020
Ingvild Aune,
Siri Brøtmet,
Katrine Heggem Grytskog,
Eldri Bakken Sperstad
Epidurals during normal labour and birth — Midwives’ attitudes and experiences
Iben Akselbo,
Heidi Killingberg,
Ingvild Aune
Simulation as a pedagogical learning method for critical paediatric nursing in Bachelor of Nursing programmes: a qualitative study
Hilde Bringedal,
Ingvild Aune
Able to choose? Women's thoughts and experiences regarding informed choices during birth
Anne Husby,
Aalke Johan van Duinen,
Ingvild Aune
Caesarean birth experiences. A qualitative study from Sierra Leone.
Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare 2019
Ingvild Aune,
Oda Villemo Holsether,
Anne Marte Tinholt Kristensen
Midwifery care based on a precautionary approach. Promoting normal births in maternity wards: The thoughts and experiences of midwives
Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare 2018
Anne Brunstad,
Katrine Aasekjær,
Ingvild Aune,
Anne Britt Vika Nilsen
Fathers' experiences during the first postnatal week at home after early discharge of mother and baby from the maternity unit: a meta-synthesis
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2018
Iben Akselbo,
Oddbjørn Ingebrigtsen,
Vibeke Olufsen,
Ingvild Aune
Simulation as a learning method in public health nurse education
Public Health Nursing 2018
Vigdis Moen,
Ingvild Aune
Identity and self-understanding among transgender women
Nordic Journal of Social Research 2018
Ayşe Deliktaz Demirci,
Kamile Kukulu,
Gørill Haugan,
Ingvild Aune
“I want a birth without interventions”: Women’s Childbirth Experiences from Turkey
Women and Birth 29. Dec 2018
Ingvild Aune,
Unn Dahlberg,
Gørill Haugan
Health-promoting influences among Norwegian women following early postnatal home visit by a midwife
Nordic journal of nursing research 2017
Ingvild Aune,
Mari Aae Hoston,
Nora Johanson Kolshus,
Christel Gil Larsen
Nature works best when allowed to run its course. The experience of midwives promoting normal births in a home birth setting
Ann-Magrit Lona,
Bjørg Synøve Aglen,
Ingvild Aune,
Kari Blindheim,
Anne Bærug,
Ole Kristen Solbjørg
et al.:
AmmE-læring Nettkurs i ammeveiledning for studenter og helsepersonell
Annelen Henriksen,
Ingrid Helen Skoge,
Ingvild Aune
Digital postpartum conversation
Benedikte Skarsgaard,
Therese Henriksen,
Unn Dahlberg,
Tone Shetelig Løvvik,
Ingvild Aune
Home-based postnatal care following early hospital discharge
Ann-Magrit Lona,
Bjørg Synøve Aglen,
Ingvild Aune,
Kari Blindheim,
Anne Bergljot Bærug,
Ole Kristen Solbjørg
et al.:
BreastfeEducation - an e-learning course on breastfeeding counselling for students and health professionals
Ann-Magrit Lona,
Bjørg Synøve Aglen,
Ingvild Aune,
Kari Blindheim,
Berit Misund Dahl,
Ole Kristen Solbjørg
et al.:
AmmE-læring. Nettkurs i ammeveiledning for studenter og helsepersonell.
Ann-Magritt Lona,
Bjørg Aglen,
Ingvild Aune,
Kari Blindheim,
Anne Bergljot Bærug,
Ole Kristen Solbjørg
et al.:
AmmE-læring. Nettkurs i ammeveiledning for studenter og helsepersonell
Ingvild Aune
Kontinuitetsmodeller i de kliniske studier i Jordmorutdanning
Ingvild Aune
Midwifery Education in Norway - Clinical Studies
Tuva Skrondal Falch,
Trine Bache-Gabrielsen,
Ingvild Aune
A study of nulliparous Norwegian women's experiences with planned home birth
Ingvild Aune,
Siri Brøtmet,
Katrine Heggem Grytskog,
Eldri Bakken Sperstad
Midwives’ attitudes and experiences of epidural during normal labour and birth
Ellen Blix,
Kari Aarø,
Marte Berger-Nordtvedt,
Hanne Charlotte Schelderup,
Kristin Holanger,
Mette Ness Hansen
et al.:
Du glemte jordmødrene, Bent Høie
VG : Verdens gang 2021
Ingvild Aune
Jordmødres erfaringer med bruk av epidural under den normale fødselen
Ingvild Aune
Postnatal care. Examples from Norway
Ingvild Aune
«Har epidural en plass i den normale fødselen?»Norske jordmødres holdninger og erfaringer
Ayse Deliktas,
Kamile Kukulu,
Gørill Haugan,
Ingvild Aune
I want a birth without interventions, but need to be empowered, and supported”: A Grounded Theory Study
Concepts of Birth Experiences from First Time Mothers in Turkey
Ingvild Aune
Antenatal, intrapartum- and postnatal care in Norway
Ingvild Aune,
Mari Aae Hoston,
Nora Johanson Kolshus,
Christel Gil Larsen
The experience of midwives promoting normal birth in a home birth setting
Ayşe Deliktaz Demirci,
Kamile Kukulu,
Ingvild Aune,
Gørill Haugan
There Is a Strong Correlation Between Meaning in Life and Self-Transcendence in Older People: A Meta-Analysis
Ingvild Aune,
Unn Dahlberg
Home visit by midwives in the early postnatal period Women's experiences
Ingvild Aune
Hvordan kan ulike vitenskapsteoretiske perspektiver påvirke jordmorfagets utvikling og fremming av den normale fødselen?
Ingvild Aune,
Unn Dahlberg
Postnatal home visit by a midwife shortly after birth shows health promoting influences among primiparous women