Emelie Jonsson


Emelie Jonsson is associate professor of English literature at the University of Tromsø, Norway. Her research centers on the friction between human psychology and naturalistic cosmology. She has published evolutionary interpretive arguments on a number of authors, including E. M. Forster, H. G. Wells, Arthur Conan Doyle, and Joseph Conrad, as well as collaborated on quantitative projects concerning intellectual history, biocultural theory, and poetic archetypes reflecting mating strategies.

  • Joseph Carroll, John A. Johnson, Emelie Jonsson, Rex E. Jung, Valerie van Mulukom :
    Editorial: Imaginative culture and human nature: Evolutionary perspectives on the arts, religion, and ideology
    Frontiers in Psychology 2022 DOI

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →


    ENG-1120: Introduction to American Studies
    ENG-1122: Introduction to Literature 

    ENG-2106: Villains in English Literature
    ENG-2131/3106: Short Fiction in English
    ENG-2102/3102: Development of the Novel

    ENG-3197: Genre Fiction (Science Fiction or Fantasy)
    ENG-3153: Literary History (American Naturalism)
    ENG-3114: Modernism