Virve Ravolainen,
Ingrid Marie Garfelt Paulsen,
Isabell Eischeid,
Jennifer Sorensen Forbey,
Eva Fuglei,
Tomás Hájek
et al.:
Low spatial habitat overlap of herbivores in the High Arctic tundra
Global Ecology and Conservation 2024
Bror Mathias Bonde,
Audun Stien
Ecological implications of the pink salmon invasion in northern Norway—Aggregative responses and terrestrial transfer by white-tailed eagles
Martin Svenning,
Audun Stien,
Reidar Borgstrøm
Habitat segregation by sympatric juvenile Arctic charr and brown trout in shallow lake areas: a consequence of interspecific differences in predator avoidance?
Ichthyological Research 2024
Bernardo Brandão Niebuhr,
Bram Van Moorter,
Audun Stien,
Torkild Tveraa,
Olav Strand,
Knut Langeland
et al.:
Estimating the cumulative impact and zone of influence of anthropogenic features on biodiversity
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2023
Åshild Ønvik Pedersen,
Eeva M Soininen,
Brage Bremset Hansen,
Mathilde Le Moullec,
Leif Egil Loe,
Ingrid Marie Garfelt Paulsen
et al.:
High seasonal overlap in habitat suitability in a non-migratory High Arctic ungulate
Global Ecology and Conservation 26. May 2023
Liv Monica Trondrud,
Cassandra Regine Ugland,
Erik Ropstad,
Leif Egil Loe,
Steve Albon,
Audun Stien
et al.:
Stress responses to repeated captures in a wild ungulate
Scientific Reports 29. Sep 2022
Tamara A. Hiltunen,
Audun Stien,
Maria Väisänen,
Erik Ropstad,
Jouni O. Aspi,
Jeffery M. Welker
Svalbard reindeer winter diets: Long-term dietary shifts to graminoids in response to a changing climate
Jennifer Stien,
Audun Stien,
Torkild Tveraa,
Lars Rød-Eriksen,
Nina Elisabeth Eide,
Siw Turid Killengreen
Estimating abundance in unmarked populations of Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)
Ecological Solutions and Evidence 2022
Ingrid Marie Garfelt Paulsen,
Åshild Ønvik Pedersen,
Richard Hann,
Marie-Anne Blanchet,
Isabell Eischeid,
Charlotte Maartje van Hazendonk
et al.:
How Many Reindeer? UAV Surveys as an Alternative to Helicopter or Ground Surveys for Estimating Population Abundance in Open Landscapes
Hannah E. Correia,
Torkild Tveraa,
Audun Stien,
Nigel Yoccoz
Nonlinear spatial and temporal decomposition provides insight for climate change effects on sub-Arctic herbivore populations
Dominique Fauteux,
Audun Stien,
Nigel Yoccoz,
Eva Fuglei,
Rolf Anker Ims
Climate variability and density-dependent population dynamics: Lessons from a simple High Arctic ecosystem
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) 2021
Liv Monica Trondrud,
Gabriel Pigeon,
Steve Albon,
Walter Arnold,
Alina Evans,
R. Justin Irvine
et al.:
Determinants of heart rate in Svalbard reindeer reveal mechanisms of seasonal energy management
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences 2021
Gabriel Pigeon,
Steve Albon,
Leif Egil Loe,
Richard Bischof,
Christophe Bonenfant,
Mads Forchhammer
et al.:
Context-dependent fitness costs of reproduction despite stable body mass costs in an Arctic herbivore
Journal of Animal Ecology 20. Sep 2021
Jarad Mellard,
Sandra Hamel,
John-André Henden,
Rolf Anker Ims,
Audun Stien,
Nigel Yoccoz
Effect of scavenging on predation in a food web
John-André Henden,
Torkild Tveraa,
Audun Stien,
Jarad Mellard,
Filippo Marolla,
Rolf Anker Ims
et al.:
Direct and indirect effects of environmental drivers
on reindeer reproduction
Liv Monica Trondrud,
Gabriel Pigeon,
Elżbieta Król,
Steve Albon,
Alina Evans,
Walter Arnold
et al.:
Fat storage influences fasting endurance more than body size in an ungulate
Functional Ecology 26. Apr 2021
Ingrid Marie Garfelt Paulsen,
Eeva M Soininen,
Virve Ravolainen,
Leif Egil Loe,
Brage Bremset Hansen,
R. Justin Irvine
et al.:
Don't go chasing the ghosts of the past: habitat selection and site fidelity during calving in an Arctic ungulate
Wildlife Biology 01. Apr 2021
Leif Egil Loe,
Glen E. Liston,
Gabriel Pigeon,
Kristin Barker,
Nir Horvitz,
Audun Stien
et al.:
The neglected season: Warmer autumns counteract harsher
winters and promote population growth in Arctic reindeer
Global Change Biology 24. Nov 2020
John-André Henden,
Rolf Anker Ims,
Nigel Yoccoz,
Einar Johannes Asbjørnsen,
Audun Stien,
Jarad Pope Mellard
et al.:
End-user involvement to improve predictions and management of populations with complex dynamics and multiple drivers
Ecological Applications 2020
Ivar Herfindal,
Torkild Tveraa,
Audun Stien,
Erling Johan Solberg,
Vidar Grøtan
When does weather synchronise life history traits? Spatiotemporal patterns in juvenile body mass of two ungulates.
Bart Peeters,
Åshild Ønvik Pedersen,
Leif Egil Loe,
Ketil Isaksen,
Vebjørn Veiberg,
Audun Stien
et al.:
Spatiotemporal patterns of rain-on-snow and basal ice in high Arctic Svalbard: detection of a climate-cryosphere regime shift
Environmental Research Letters 2019
Manuela Panzacchi,
Bram Van Moorter,
Torkild Tveraa,
Bernardo Brandão Niebuhr,
Lucie Lelotte,
Vegard Gundersen
et al.:
Green Infrastructures in a changing world: Decision-support tools for impact assessment, scenario forecasting and land prioritization
Manuela Panzacchi,
Bram Van Moorter,
Torkild Tveraa,
Bernardo Brandão Niebuhr,
Audun Stien,
Olav Strand
et al.:
How to quantify
& simulate the effect of development or mitigation measures
Jenny Stien,
Jenny Mattisson,
Inger Hansen,
Oddmund Kleven,
Åshild Taksdal Randby,
Leif Egil Loe
et al.:
Kongeørn som skadevolder på lam på Fosen
Manuela Panzacchi,
Bram Van Moorter,
Olav Strand,
Vegard Gundersen,
Torkild Tveraa,
Bernardo Brandão Niebuhr
et al.:
Statistisk modellering av SAMLET BELASTNING AV MENNESKELIGE AKTIVITET - Identifisering av viktige leveområder
og scenarioanalyser for konsekvensutredning og arealplanlegging
Liv Monica Trondrud,
Cassandra Regine Ugland,
Erik Ropstad,
Leif Egil Loe,
Steve Albon,
Audun Stien
et al.:
Author Correction: Stress responses to repeated captures in a wild ungulate (Scientific Reports, (2022), 12, 1, (16289), 10.1038/s41598-022-20270-z)
Scientific Reports 2023
Manuela Panzacchi,
Bram Van Moorter,
Illka Kivimäki,
Marco Saerens,
Lucie Lelotte,
Bernardo Brandão Niebuhr
et al.:
10 år forskning for å Kvantifisere Samlet Belastning av Menneskelig Aktivitet og Simulere Effekten av Avbøtende Tiltak
Manuela Panzacchi,
Bram Van Moorter,
Illka Kivimäki,
Marco Saerens,
Torkild Tveraa,
Bernardo Brandão Niebuhr
et al.:
Statistical tools to quantify
cumulative impacts
simulate effects of restoration, development, climate change
& aid sustainable land planning
Bernardo Brandão Niebuhr Dos Santos,
Bram Van Moorter,
Audun Stien,
Torkild Tveraa,
Olav Strand,
Knut Langeland
et al.:
Estimating the cumulative impact and zone of influence of infrastructure on animal movement
Jenny Mattisson,
Jenny Stien,
Oddmund Kleven,
Audun Stien
Predasjonsstudier av kongeørn i Trøndelag
Manuela Panzacchi,
Bram Van Moorter,
Illka Kivimäki,
Marco Saerens,
Olav Strand,
Torkild Tveraa
et al.:
Statistical tools to quantify cumulative impacts on nature & simulate effects of development or mitigation measures
Bernardo Brandão Niebuhr Dos Santos,
Bram Van Moorter,
Audun Stien,
Torkild Tveraa,
Olav Strand,
Knut Langeland
et al.:
Estimating the cumulative impact and zone of influence of anthropogenic infrastructure on animal space use
Manuela Panzacchi,
Bram Van Moorter,
Illka Kivimäki,
Marco Saerens,
Olav Strand,
Torkild Tveraa
et al.:
Statistical tools to quantify cumulative impacts
& simulate effects of land changes.How can these help sustainable management of wild reindeer areas?
Bernardo Brandão Niebuhr,
Manuela Panzacchi,
Bram Van Moorter,
Per Sandström,
Torkild Tveraa,
Knut Langeland
et al.:
Cumulative impact assessment for wild and semi-domesticated reindeer in Norway and Sweden
Bernardo Brandão Niebuhr,
Manuela Panzacchi,
Bram Van Moorter,
Torkild Tveraa,
Knut Langeland,
Audun Stien
et al.:
Animal movement as a proxy for the impacts of industrial activities and infrastructure on biodiversity
Torkild Tveraa,
Audun Stien,
Knut Langeland,
Jenny Stien,
Ann Mikaela Tillman
Kalvetilgang relatert til reintetthet, snøforhold, vårtidspunkt og planteproduksjon
Hannah E. Correia,
Torkild Tveraa,
Audun Stien,
Nigel Yoccoz
Correction to: Nonlinear spatial and temporal decomposition provides insight for climate change effects on sub-Arctic herbivore populations (Oecologia, (2022), 198, 4, (889-904), 10.1007/s00442-022-05150-7)
Bernardo Brandão Niebuhr,
Manuela Panzacchi,
Bram Van Moorter,
Torkild Tveraa,
Knut Langeland,
Audun Stien
et al.:
Responses of reindeer to energy development and associated infrastructure in Sweden and Norway
Karl-Otto Jacobsen,
Torgeir Nygård,
Trond Vidar Johnsen,
Oddmund Kleven,
Audun Stien,
Geir Helge Rødli Systad
et al.:
Kongeørn i Vest-Finnmark 2001-2021. Oppsummering av resultatene fra et langtidsstudium
Manuela Panzacchi,
Bram Van Moorter,
Daniele De Angelis,
Ilkka Kivimäki,
Marco Saerens,
Olav Strand
et al.:
A comprehensive framework to quantify ecological connectivity, the cumulative impact of human activities & support sustainable land planning
Manuela Panzacchi,
Bram Van Moorter,
Olav Strand,
Ilkka Kivimäki,
Marco Saerens,
Audun Stien
et al.:
Keynote talk: "How to Quantify the Cumulative Impact of Human Activities on reindeer and aid Sustainable Land Planning"
Audun Stien,
Stephen James Coulson,
Mads C. Forchhammer,
Brage Bremset Hansen,
Leif Egil Loe,
Erik Ropstad
et al.:
Skal felle rein for å forske på parasitter
Svalbardposten 17. Oct 2021
Audun Stien,
Torkild Tveraa,
Rolf Anker Ims,
Jennifer Stien,
Nigel Yoccoz
Unfounded claims about productivity beyond density for reindeer pastoralism systems
Audun Stien
Klimaendringene gir større reinbestand på Svalbard
26. Oct 2021
Audun Stien,
Rolf Anker Ims,
Nigel Yoccoz,
Torkild Tveraa,
Jennifer Stien
Berettiget kritikk av NMBU sin reindriftsforskning
Audun Stien,
Torkild Tveraa,
Eilif Andreas Aslaksen
Dette avgjør hvor tung reinen blir
Åshild Ønvik Pedersen,
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Ingrid Marie Garfelt Paulsen,
Eva Fuglei,
Jesper Bruun Mosbacher,
Virve Ravolainen
et al.:
Norwegian Arctic tundra: a panel-based assessment of ecosystem condition
René van der Wal,
Helen B. Anderson,
Audun Stien,
Leif Egil Loe,
James David Mervyn Speed
Disturbance, recovery and tundra vegetation change
Åshild Ønvik Pedersen,
Jenny Stien,
S Albon,
Eva Fuglei,
K. Isaksen,
G. Liston
et al.:
Climate-Ecological Observatory for Arctic Tundra (COAT)
Manuela Panzacchi,
Bram Van Moorter,
Audun Stien,
Torkild Tveraa,
Knut Langeland,
Vegard Gundersen
et al.:
How to Quantify the Cumulative Impact of Human Activities
& aid Sustainable Land Planning